An explanation of what the artist’s way workshops are all about…
You have the ability to be creative.
We all have the ability to be creative. Think about all the things we as people do: art, writing, poetry, drama, music, designing and making objects; they are all included in the spectrum of creativity. As children we are naturally creative. When we enter our adult years we use this creative ability within our working experience, in our homes and gardens, and the way we dress etc., as we make creative choices. By the time we are adults we have often lost the ‘child’s’ spontaneity and enjoyment of creating; or lost the conviction that we are creative. We experience criticisms of our creative endeavours and might feel discouraged by others or ourselves. Creativity, once being a joy and a celebration of life now lies quietly dormant.
The Book
The Artist’s Way is a book written by Julia Cameron for everyone wanting to re-discover their creativity. There are twelve chapters which look at twelve topics, helping you recover your creative inner person from the effects of either: neglect, discouragement, being buried or destruction through the years. Even past attitudes and events can stifle and destroy the belief in one’s own creativity. I believe the book can also be helpful for those who have suffered burnout or creative blocks.
Julia Cameron offers this recovery through exercises which she has used over the many years with her students. These exercises take the form of writing morning pages, reading the chapter before answering thought provoking questions, and taking yourself on one artist’s date per week. It is entirely up to you how much you want to do or give your time to do it; you are free to do as much or as little as you feel possible but the more you put into it the more you get out.
Workshop groups
It can be difficult to embark on working through the book on your own and even more difficult to finish it. This is why I offer the opportunity to explore this book within a group providing time for you to share your experiences and find support to continue working through it to the end. It is a joy to share these new experiences with others who are on the same journey, knowing that they understand and relate to you.
We will look at the twelve topics over twelve weeks (a chapter a week). At home, each week, you read the chapter and try out the exercises and then there will be time for each person to talk about the book and your thoughts. You are welcome to come share what you have experienced and noticed while reading and doing the exercises. It is your choice how much you share or what you share.
We benefit by listening to other people's experiences and by offering others around us our support. It is a worthwhile experience sharing this journey in this way.
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